VDW offers comprehensive service package for EMO Hannover 2019

(L-R) Ms. Geeta Bisht, Director, Hannover Milano Fairs India PVT.LTD, Mumbai, India, Mr. C H  Nadiger, Regional Director 
Engineering Export Promotion Council, Chennai., Dr. Wilfried Schafer , Executive Director VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Mr. Michael Rose, Head of Protocol and Events at Deutsche Messe  AG, Hanover, Germany

 VDW offers comprehensive service package for EMO Hannover 2019

Chennai, India, 21 January 2019.- EMO Hannover 2019, the world's leading trade fair for metalworking, will take place from 16 to 21 September. It is organized by VDW (Verein DeutscherWerkzeugmaschinenfabriken), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on behalf of the European Machine Tool Association Cecimo from Brussels, Belgium, and in cooperation with Deutsche Messe AG, Hanover, Germany. The VDW is the spokesman for the German machine tool industry and one of the few industry associations to organise international trade fairs on its own behalf for the industry it represents. It has many years of experience in this field. The seal of quality "A VDW trade fair" has developed into a trademark for successful events. In addition to EMO Hannover, this also includes the METAV in Düsseldorf, the international trade fair for technologies in metalworking (next date: 10 to 13 March 2020).

The VDW, together with the German Machine Tool and Manufacturing Systems Association (FachverbandWerkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungssysteme) within VDMA (VerbandDeutscherMaschinen und Anlagenbau), has round about 300 members. They represent around 90 percent of total industry turnover in Germany. The VDW represents the interests of its members both nationally and internationally.

As the organiser of EMO Hannover 2019, the VDW offers visitors and exhibitors a comprehensive range of services in cooperation with Deutsche Messe AG: online registration for visitors and exhibitors, contacts via the foreign representatives of Deutsche Messe AG in the national language, visa support, attractive offers for air and rail travel to EMO Hannover, online information in nine different languages, individual support for foreign delegations, thematic tours and much more. Detailed information can be found on the Internet at www.emo-hannover.de.

Journalists can always find the latest media information on EMO Hannover 2019 in English and German at http://www.emo-hannover.de in the press section. Important press releases can also be found in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. In addition to facts and figures on the event, journalists can also research details on the exhibitors and their products. All press releases and many photos are available for download. The information is increasingly supplemented by moving pictures. Journalists can also sign up for an EMO Newsletter, which will automatically inform them in English or German about all news of the trade fair from the VDW and the exhibitors. We also give tips on how to get to and stay in Hanover and much more.

Contact on site
Hannover Milano Fairs India Pvt.Ltd.
Email: info@hmf-india.com

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