Linguistic Minorities Forum of Tamil Nadu appeals to TN Govt to implement Minority Languages in Schools

Chennai, October 2, 2023: Linguistic Minorities Forum of Tamil Nadu Chairman CMK Reddy today met Journalists explaining recent Supreme Court order directing the TN Govt. to include Minority languages in School syllabus.

Background: Though there were many decisions of Southern State Chief Ministers & Education Ministers, to respect & preserve all the four southern languages, TN Govt brought in a rule in 2006 that no other languages should be studied in TN Schools, except Tamil & English. After failing to get relief through political negotiations, we approached Hon Chennai High Court in 2014. We made it clear that we have nothing against learning Tamil (in fact we welcomed it), but we wanted to pursue other mother-tongue also, under the right guaranteed by our Constitution and as followed in all other States of India. Many GOs passed due to our representation to the Govt. were never implemented, taking the Linguistic Minorities for a 'ride'.

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Though the Hon High Court agreed with our contention, they were giving only relief year by year till 2019 and finally they said there would be no more extension beyond 2022 & we had to forget all other languages. Then in 2022, we filed a SLP in Hon Supreme Court, with a prayer to uphold our Constitutional right to pursue our mother-tongue, along with Tamil. Our languages should be taught as compulsory subjects, prescribing minimum marks for a pass and the marks reflected in the Mark Sheet.

Finally, on 21/09/2023, the Hon'ble Supreme Court agreed with our contention & the Constitutional right, directed the TN Govt. to include Minority languages in School syllabus, prescribing minimum marks for a pass (as for Tamil & English) and the marks should appear in the Mark Sheet (Copy of the Judgment attached).

At this juncture, we appeal to TN Govt.

1. To implement the Hon Supreme Court order in a true spirit of National Integration & allow us live in peace & hormony with our Tamil brothers

2. To maintain equal Academic load (total marks) in School syllabus to both Tamil & Non-Tamil students

3. To fill up the posts of Teachers of Tamil & Minority languages in all the 1,500 Linguistic Minority Schools in the State.


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