Twin Health creates revolutionary medical therapy "Whole Body Digital Twin" for Type2 Diabetes remission/reversal

  • Twin Health's 'Whole Body Digital Twin™ revolutionary medical therapy for the remission of Type 2 Diabetes and chronic metabolic diseases; the American Diabetes Association recognized the scientific outcome and impact
  • 'Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology enables a personalized approach to help improve disrupted metabolism for individuals with type 2 diabetes

Chennai, 10th November 2022: Twin Health, a precision health platform that integrates sensors, machine learning, and medical science, recently announced their breakthrough technology, Whole Body Digital Twin™. The technology has been patented, and its scientific outcomes from the randomized clinical trial have been validated through acceptance in scientific sessions conducted by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE), International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), etc. for the remission of Type 2 diabetes and other chronic metabolic diseases like obesity, hypertension & Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). For individuals with type 2 diabetes, remission is defined as sustaining normal blood glucose (blood sugar) levels for at least three months without taking diabetes medication. The AI-powered research by Twin Health reported the highest known remission rate for Type 2 diabetes to date. 

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The Twin Health study, 'Remission of Type 2 Diabetes with Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Whole-Body Digital Twin: Initial Six-Months Results of Randomized Control Trial' outcome which was submitted to the American Diabetes Association, was selected to be featured in the official Press Program for the American Diabetes Association's 82nd Scientific Sessions, based on its overall excellence in furthering the research and treatment for people with diabetes, as well as its potential appeal to the medical and general news media.

(L to R) Dr. Shashank Joshi, Chief Medical Officer at Twin Health; Dr. Maluk Mohamed, Co-founder, V.P. (Research) & CEO (India) at Twin Health; Dr. Paramesh Shamanna, Medical Director of Twin Health

A total of 3 papers were submitted to ADA. All 3 papers got selected, and in addition to the press program, the other 2 papers – 'Metabolic Benefits beyond Glycemic Control with Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and Whole-Body Digital Twin: Initial Six Months Results of a Randomized Control Trial' and 'Normalisation of Glycemic and Extraglycemic Parameters with T2DM Remission—Insights from RCT Enabled by Whole-Body Digital Twin Technology' - were invited for presentation.  

Dr. Maluk Mohamed, Co-founder, V.P. (Research) & CEO (India) at Twin Health

Twin Health's clinical research team conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to determine the effect of Twin Precision Treatment technology (TPT) versus standard care (S.C.) on change in A1C and Type 2 diabetes remission at 90-day intervals. The TPT intervention leveraged the Whole-Body Digital Twin Platform, with A.I. and the Internet of Things, to integrate multi-dimensional data to give precision nutrition, sleep, activity, and breathing guidance via the TPT app and coaches. Early RCT data were presented and published in the American Diabetes Association's Diabetes journal, with first-of-its-kind health outcomes. Patients had an average HbA1c reduction of 3.1 (average baseline 8.7), over 90% achieving type 2 diabetes reversal (HbA1c less than 6.5), and 92% eliminating all diabetes medications, including insulin. Furthermore, patients had an average weight reduction of 9.1 kg (20 lbs). Among patients with baseline abnormal liver function (defined by an elevated ALT on clinical lab values), there was an average ALT reduction of 24 units/L. 

The scientific outcomes from the RCT and the commercial results have been published in 31 peer-reviewed international medical journals, conference papers, and abstracts. The findings were later presented as a late-breaking poster session at the 82nd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the world's largest scientific meeting focused on diabetes research, prevention, and care, held in June 2022 at New Orleans, LA. Additionally, another report presented at the 58thAnnual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes reflected the correlation between the regression of microalbuminuria, blood pressure reduction, and remission of T2DM: Results of Six Month RCCT with Whole-Body Digital Twin Technology. The study demonstrated the potential for Whole Body Digital Twin technology to help achieve remission of Type 2 diabetes without medication in the long run.  

Managing Type 2 diabetes can be challenging as each individual's metabolism functions differently, making it difficult to customize treatment for them individually. In July 2021, Twin Health expanded the Whole Body Digital Twin™ from reversing type 2 diabetes to reversing chronic metabolic diseases and improving overall metabolic health. The RCT demonstrated that the Whole Body Digital Twin™ could empower people to reverse and prevent conditions such as diabetes, prediabetes, and obesity, as well as significantly improve diseases such as hypertension, NAFLD, etc. 

Speaking about this significant achievement, Dr. Paramesh Shamanna, Medical Director of Twin Health, said, "We are extremely pleased to announce that, The American Diabetes Association has endorsed the Whole Body Digital Twin® enabled precision treatment for the remission of Type 2 diabetes. This has taken us one step closer to our company's mission of reversing chronic diseases and assisting people in living healthier and happier lives. Our technology, the Whole Body Digital Twin™, is patented. Not just in the U.S., but in India, too, around 13000+ patients have benefited since the program's launch three years back. At Twin Health, we aim to address the root cause of metabolic disorders through the combination of advanced medical science and cutting-edge technology."

"Our results demonstrate the potential of Whole Body Digital Twin™ technology to change the conventional, medication-driven management of type 2 diabetes to achieving remission of Type 2 diabetes with a life free of medication. The program's impact on patient satisfaction, quality of life, and total cost of care is substantial and holds significant promise for large populations suffering from metabolic disease globally. We are proud of this accomplishment, which will spur us to develop more advanced technologies to control metabolic disorders in patients in the future," Dr. Shashank Joshi, Chief Medical Officer at Twin Health, added.

In the same vein, Dr. Maluk Mohamed, Co-founder, V.P. (Research) & CEO (India) at Twin Health, said, "Metabolic disorders caused by Type 2 diabetes, if left untreated, can prove fatal. The Whole Body Digital Twin™ has already empowered physicians and patients by offering highly personalized treatment decisions based on real-time metabolism feedback provided by patients' bodies. As a result, twin Members have reported experiencing freedom from difficult-to-sustain fad diets, intense exercise routines, and multiple medications with side effects. With the American Diabetes Association (ADA) endorsement, this revolutionary technology-enabled precision treatment will further gain acceptance among patients and healthcare providers. 

As Twin scales its service in the U.S. and globally, it has the opportunity to transform and improve the quality of life for people who have lived with the experience of chronic metabolic disease for years. 


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