VHP Announces Action Plan for 2024 and Demands Full Stop on Love Jihad, Illegal Conversions, Jihadi-Missionary Violence and Hate Speeches

Chennai. June 27, 2022. Vishva Hindu Parishad today expressed concerns over Govt control and demolition of Temples, illegal religious conversions, and growing hate speeches against Hindu beliefs and deities. Addressing a press conference in Chennai, after the two day long Central Governing council meet of VHP concluded in Pious land of Kanchipuram this Sunday, its joint general secretary Dr. Surendra Jain said that all state Govts should enact law to curb Illegal conversions and Love Jihad. 

(L to R) Vijay Shankar Tiwary, National Joint Secretary and Prachar Pramukh; Dr. Surendra Jain, Joint General Secretary; Su. Srinivsan, President, VHP North Tamilnadu; Karthikeyan Ramalingam Prachar Pramukh, VHP North Tamilnadu

Shri. Su. Srinivsan, President, VHP North Tamilnadu, Shri. Vijay Shankar Tiwary, National Joint Secretary and Prachar Pramukh, Shri. Karthikeyan Ramalingam Prachar Pramukh, VHP North Tamilnadu, were also present during the Press Meet.

He further said that the growing menace of acquisition and demolition of temples in discreet manner and hate speeches against Hindu beliefs and deities must also be stopped forthwith, he demanded. Announcing action plan for the 60 years of its foundation in 2024, he said that the VHP will enroll more than 1 crore members, raise its units to one lakh with 15 lakh Karyakarthas.

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Dr. Surendra Jain said that the entire Hindu society is proud of Tamilnadu, which is the flag bearer of the Hindu Dharma for millennia. It is the land of gurus and saints like Poojya Shri Thiruvalluvar, Poojya Shri Ramanujar, Poojya Shri Vallalar. In his comments, he noted that in the history of Bharath, Tamilnadu has always been the torch bearer of Hindu awakening. The All-India Central Governing Council Meeting was held in one of the most ancient sacred city of Kanchipuram, VHP believes that this meeting will prove to be an important milestone in making a competent and harmonious Hindu Society.

Anti-Conversion and Love Jihad Law:

VHP is of the opinion that illegal religious conversion is the biggest crime and violence against the humanity. The Mullah, Moulvi and Missionaries are doing this criminal activity assuming it as their religious rights and using all type of unconstitutional and unethical means. Since the independence a demand has been raised by different sections of society to stop this illegal criminal act. VHP welcomes the state Govts who have made the law to stop the illegal conversions in their states.

Due to insensitivity of the state Govt, there were instances of illegal conversion and attempts to convert Hindus to Christianity in Christian run Schools in Tamilnadu. One such case has even taken the life of an innocent poor girl "Lavanya" in the District of Thanjavur. There were also instances of Islamic Fundamentalists targeting Hindu girls in the name of Love Jihad and finally the girls have been used as sexual objects. Some of the girls had to commit suicide as it happened in Ramanathapuram and Melur Madurai, Tamilnadu government should stop such activities by punishing these institutions and individuals stringently, so that these kind of abuses on the Hindu Society may be stopped,

VHP Central Governing Council urged the state Govt, to enact a stringent Anti-Conversion law to curb illegal conversions and growing cases of Love Jihad,

Rising Violence of Islamic Fundamentalism & Terrorism:

Entire country is facing violence emerging due to islamic fundamentalism. Using CAA, Corona, Hijab and Nupur controversy, they are trying to inflame the country in senseless violence. Terrorism has also been nurtured by these fundamentalists. Unfortunately, Tamilnadu has become a hub and recruiting center for the Jihadi Terrorists. Many Islamic terrorists have been arrested by NIA in recent months, and their terror support structures like finance, sleeper cells and infrastructure have been flourishing in Tamilnadu. There seems to be a laxity on part of the state security agencies in identifying such elements in the society and safeguarding its people. The inaction of the state police will embolden the Islamic fundamentalist groups in the state to unleash violence against innocent people.

So far, in Tamilnadu, more than hundred Hindu Society/Political Leaders have been killed by these Islamic terrorists since 1985, Vishwa Hindu Parishad urges the govt. to act upon the Islamic Fundamentalists firmly, swiftly and stop further bloodshed in the name of Islamic religious fundamentalism.

Free Hindu Temples from Govt Control and Stop Selective Demolition:

Our Math Mandirs and Pilgrimages are not only the places of worship but also the custodian of Hindu culture and Spiritualism. They also serve the needy people. Hindu society has successfully managed all its religious places. Unfortunately, the assets and dev-nidhi attracted the Britishers, to loot our religious places in disguise of providing administration to the temples. Even after independence, State Govts had carried this colonial mindset. The Hindu society has always been of the view that Hindu temples should be freed from the Govt control. We appreciate that some of the Govts have already declared to let the Hindu Religious places be run by the Hindu Society. VHP demands that the remaining State Govts including Tamilnadu should also free Hindu Temples. We appeal to the Hindu society to realize their strength and be ready to run effectively and transparently those great temples through the committee including pujaris and devotees from all castes and gender.

Hindu temples are being demolished by the Tamilnadu Govt with the great partiality in the name of encroachment and illegal constructions. More than 20 temples have been demolished in the last 13 months. This treatment has not been meted out to any mosque or church. VHP demands, if removal of temple is required as per law, it should be relocated to other place, in prior consultation with the temple committee and local Hindu organizations, as it is done with relocating people from encroachments. So that those Deities (Living Entities as per Supreme Court verdict) are treated with utmost sanctity and not cause agony to the Hindu society.

Strict Action against Hate Speech on Hindu Belief and its Deities.

VHP is always in favor of freedom of speech. Our constitution doesn't allow to insult the faiths of others in the name of freedom of speech. Unfortunately, inaction on the perpetrators of the hate speech against Hindu Faith and its Deities anguishes the Hindu Society. Throughout the country, strict actions are being taken on the perpetrators, who make adverse comments on faith of Non-Hindus and its Leaders, but there is inaction on the perpetrators who make insulting comments on Hindu Deities, like the recent comments on the sacred shivalingam or Pious Chidamabaram Natarajar, despite various Hindu organizations making complaints with the law enforcement agencies in Tamilnadu.

VHP appeals to all State Governments, not to be so insensitive about the sentiments of the Hindu Society. VHP warns, that if they remain silent spectator, Hindu Society will have to standup and defend its pride.


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