Adyar Cancer Institute (WIA) performed an Exceptional Complicated Surgery for a large Intra-abdominal Cancer

Chennai, March 19th, 2021: An exceptional complicated surgery was performed at Cancer Institute (WIA) on 1st, March, 2021 for a large intra-abdominal cancer in a 26 year young lady.


She was suffering from pain of 6 months duration for which she consulted a hospital outside, where surgeons attempted surgery, but in vain, hence only a biopsy was done. She subsequently received concurrent chemo-radiotherapy from August, 2020 to December, 2020.

(L to R) Dr.Vijay Sundar; Dr.Kalpana; Patient; Dr.Anand Raja; Dr.Arvind Krishnamurthy
She presented to Cancer Institute (WIA) with increased pain and evaluation was suggestive of a tumor (chondrosarcoma) arising from L3 Vertebra with a very large intra abdominal component with involvement of blood vessels, intestines, right ureter and kidney. After extensive discussion, surgery was planned.

Surgery entailed removal of involved body of spine along with enbloc resection of large retroperitoneal mass and kidney after meticulously dissecting away blood vessels and intestines with 360-degree spinal stabilization. Surgery was 16 hours of long with team of 7 surgeons including surgical oncologists and neuro surgeon led by Dr. Anand Raja. Patient was mobilised on day 5 and had an uneventful post op recovery. She is currently walking well and is pain free.

This procedure of sagittal enbloc spondylectomy has not been previously reported from India, world literature regarding this procedure of paravertebral masses is scarce. Though difficult requiring extensive planning and team work, successful performance of this surgery is very rewarding for the patient as the outcomes are excellent.


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