Strong Family, Strong Society || National Campaign: February 19 to 28, 2021 || Ladies Wing, Jamaat e Islami Hind

Chennai, February 18th, 2021: Family is the basic structural and functional unit of a flourishing society. Its strength and stability constitute the core of a healthy society. They provide the most intimate social environment to a family – a place where a human being begins the vital process of socializing and learning partnership with the near ones, which eventually helps to survive and thrive in society.


A family is an institution where social values of love and mercy are nurtured. Responsibility, sharing, and commitment towards one another as well as accountability in all things said or done are also a few values instilled in this institution.

David R Mace, a pioneer in the field of marriage, rightly said, “Nothing in the world could make human life happier than to greatly increase the number of strong families.” Marriage is the legal process of initiating a family structure. When a man and a woman from different families come together in a marriage, there has to be a contract with necessary conditions to live and grow. These conditions need not have to be strictly understood in terms of loss or gain for one or the other partner, but have to emphasize on mutuality, with receiving and sending of emotions and feelings, joy and happiness that eventually contribute to the establishment of a strong, healthy and balanced relationship.

A child brought up in a strong family has self-confidence and self-esteem. Parents’ love and affection and value-based upbringing moulds a child as a good, responsible and contributing member of society. On “Infants Without Families”, Anna Freud and Dorothy Burlingham, renowned child psychologists, write: “Children who have spent their entire lives in institutions present a type of their own and differ in various respects from children who develop under the conditions of family life.”

Its importance can be envisioned with the fact that anti-social elements generally come from either broken families or families that lack in basic unity of structure and family values.

An individual gets his identity when his birth takes place in a family. His birth is celebrated and announced with considerable joy and ecstasy. He learns a lot from the first university of mother’s lap as well as interaction with other relatives in the family circles to give and take in society. He is taught to love youngsters and respect elders. He practices the art of sacrifice and inclusiveness. Thus, a complete value-based life is practised within the family, which helps him become a noble citizen of society.

There is an increased trend in the shift of kinds of families. We are familiar with the transition of joint to nuclear families. But these days we also come across single parent families, step-families, childless families, same-sex families and much more. The question is, are these shifts a sign of a healthy society? Are these families providing for the requirements of all the individuals of the unit? Are they socially and economically stable? Do they contribute to the safeguarding of culture and civilization?

The answer is a big NO. Social interaction and mobility becomes limited and artificial in these kinds of families. Skill development in individuals is lowered and transfer of skills is almost neglected. The overall personality of each member is under-developed. The youth of today is depressed due to these issues they face while growing up, which affects their later life as well.

The relationship between spouses has now come down to a mere competition. Parents and children, affected by a vast generation gap, face difficulties in communication and understanding each other, causing friction within homes. Children are more disobedient and careless towards their parents. This can be seen in the increase in the number of older citizens and parents being abandoned or sent to old age homes, where they may have a roof over their heads but little in terms of familial warmth or companionship.

Until we were all forced to be indoors due to the lockdowns, many of these aspects of our society had gone largely unnoticed or at least had been brushed under the carpet. Now, with a long period of increased proximity and contact within families, the cracks have begun to appear and we have realized how fractured our family lives have become, and what impact this has had on society. It has come to a point where the smallest and most fundamental unit of a civilization has failed to maintain peace among its cohabitants.

One of the more serious effects of this close proximity and its resultant fissures has also been the increase in the number of violence, particularly on women at homes. When women are unsafe within the four walls of their homes – a space ideally of security and safety – it’s time we raise our voices for them, help them and get them their rights. In addition, men are also facing numerous psychological problems that are hardly spoken about due to societal stigma and taboo. On the whole unrest, disturbance, lack of communication and conflict are very prominent in most of the homes. It has its impact on the peace and productivity of society.

Hence, it’s the urgent need of the hour to reshape and re-establish the core of the family structure. It’s time to spread awareness and speak about the effects of this disharmony in family life. It’s late but not too late to educate the masses to improve relationships within families so that the new generation is provided with a conducive atmosphere to be stable emotionally and spiritually. A generation with stabilized emotions is consequently financially and socially stable.

When the society is stable with active groups working in various fields, it is a sign of prosperity. As Indian citizens, we need to strengthen the core of our society by fixing its basic cell – family.

Women’s Wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has come up with a campaign:

1. To create general awareness that the strength and success of society depends upon the strength and peace that prevails in each home.

2. To warn people on the dangers of the pursuit of happiness and peace outside marriage and the importance of morality as the guiding rule in human relationships.

3. To educate on the duties of every member in family in establishing peace and justice and creating a suitable environment to nurture future generations and protect the rights and respect the old and weak.

4. To bring into public discussion the common family values in every culture.

We welcome you to join hands in this noble endeavour to strengthen our families and save our society at large.

 “And of His Signs is that He has created mates for you from your own kind that you may find peace in them and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely, there are Signs in this for those who reflect.” (The Qur’ān 30:21)


Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH)

Tamilnadu & Puducherry

IFT Complex,

138, Perambur High Road,

Chennai – 600012.

Ph: 044-26621101


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