Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu THIRU BANWARILAL PUROHIT Launched the website “My GRANDMA TALES” at the SRCM Heartfulness Meditation Centre, Manapakkam, CHENNAI, alongwith Space Kidz, Hexaware
- Heartfulness in collaboration with SpaceKidzandHexaware has embarked on a novel initiative “My grandma tales” to popularise moral stories for this generation, across the globe.
Chennai, June 6th 2019: Today, My grandma tales was launched
by Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu THIRU
BANWARILAL PUROHIT at the SRCM Heartfulness Meditation Centre, Babuji Memorial
Ashram, Manapakkam, Chennai.
Heartfulness Institute is also
delighted to announce the launch of new free website for MY GRANDMA TALES. Website www.mygrandmatales.com is
an online platform where kids from around the World can access and listen to old
stories narrated by various grandmothers from various parts of the world. This
is completely free.
Each story, either in a video or an audio format, not only entertains
but also teaches morals, life values and ethics, at the end of it. This is an
attempt to help the new age children grow into simple yet successful human
Dr.Srimathy Kesan, Founder and CEO,
Space Kidz said her
organisation has been nurturing ‘Young scientists’
for our country and spreading awareness amongst children the need for a
“borderless world.” “In our own way, we have been able to create an impact in
the world of scientific invention by launching student-made satellites and
educating students on science. Now, we
have joined hands with a few spiritual Masters to impart human moral values to
our upcoming generation. One such is the association with “Heartfulness Institute” as we take our next step of “merging science with spirituality”
through moral stories.”
Heartfulness: (www.heartfulness.org)
Heartfulness is a
modern-day system of yogic meditation, also known as Sahaj Marg meaning the
‘Natural Path’,which originated at the turn of the twentieth century in India. Heartfulnessis
an approach that brings about inner calm and stillness in a fast-paced world by
teaching the basic life skills of well-being. The easily adopted practices are
appropriate for people from all walks of life, cultures and beliefs, with
exercises for children and meditative practices for all over the age of
fifteen. These Heartfulness techniques are effective self-management tools to
live a balanced, peaceful, healthy and happy life.
Today, there are
over two million practitioners and 10,000 trainers worldwide. Heartfulness is found
in thousands of schools and colleges, and over 300,000 professionals are
meditating in corporations, non-governmental and government bodies globally. Over
5,000 Heartfulness Centres, known as HeartSpots, are supported by certified
volunteer trainers in 130 countries